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Search for Records on this Site. Formed in 1921 from Socorro County. An official USGenWeb Project site Dedicated. To Free Information for Home Family Genealogy use only. Once located in the Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico and later in the Arizona Territory, the area forming Cat.
Curry County, NM Archives, USGenWeb. Welcome to Curry County! Curry County was created February 25,1909 from the parent counties of Quay and Roosevelt. The County Seat is Clovis. Curry County is a member of NMGenWeb. Curry County, NMGenWeb Archives. The Centennial Cow was created in honor of the 100th birthday of Curry County and is located on the courthouse lawn.
Guadalupe County was created by the Territorial Legislature on February 26, 1891. Puerto De Luna was the first county seat. In 1903 the county seat was moved to Santa Rosa, New Mexico when Quay and Roosevelt counties were created. View Santa Rosa school photo ca.
Spanish explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado was one of the first Europeans to comprehensively explore New Mexico in 1540 after hearing grandiose stories told by Estebanico the Moor. Estebanico, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and two other companions were the first Europeans to see New Mexico. They roamed across the Southwest looking for Mexico after being shipwrecked and lost off the coast of Florida in the 1530s. To New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment! New Mexico became the 47th state Jan.
Quay County was created in 1903 from the parent county of Guadalupe. The county seat is Tucumcari. NM Click here for County History. If you are interested in adopting a county, please contact the State Coordinator. Your help is needed and will be appreciated. The New Mexico State Coordinator is. Bluffs Llano Estacado or Staked Plains or the Caprock as it is called locally.
Spanish explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado was one of the first Europeans to comprehensively explore New Mexico in 1540 after hearing grandiose stories told by Estebanico the Moor. Estebanico, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and two other companions were the first Europeans to see New Mexico. They roamed across the Southwest looking for Mexico after being shipwrecked and lost off the coast of Florida in the 1530s. To New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment! New Mexico became the 47th state Jan.
Information for Home Family Genealogy use only. , NM was founded in 1903 from parts of Chaves and Guadalupe Counties. NM is the County Seat. View and Post Roosevelt County Queries. Roosevelt County 1910 Federal Census. Roosevelt County 1920 Federal Census. Register of Deaths Index, Roosevelt Co. New Mexico Death Index, 1899 - 1940.
Dedicated to Free Information for Home Family Genealogy use only. Sandoval County was a thriving area centuries before Don Francisco de Coronado explored the area and camped near present-day Bernalillo in 1540. Prehistoric artifacts in many areas of the County date back thousands of years, with archaeological finds suggesting that Sandia Man lived and hunted in the area thousands of years ago.
The most reliable early records for New Mexico are those created by the Spanish and Mexican governments and the Catholic church but there are also an 1850 US Census and good county records after 1850. There are a few old queries. Last update 24 Apr 2016.
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